Book Description: At the heart of seven converging roads, Bath is the hub of Northampton County. Consisting of a tannery, a gristmill, two stores, and five dwellings in 1816, Bath evolved into a bustling town with over 175 shops, tradesmen, and professionals. Featured among the more than 200 historic photographs are a rare 1700s map of the Scotch-Irish settlement, Moses George Cigar Factory workers, the shops on the West Main Street Bridge, devastation from the 1945 flood, workers picking celery in the fields, and Miss Bath 1962. Meander through Bath and Its Neighbors and feel the tenacity of its people, the exuberance of their celebrations, and the simplicity of a time not so long ago. Author Bio: Carol K. Bear Heckman, a high school and university teacher, purchased the 1804 Daniel Steckel House in 1977, and her love for antiques grew to include historic buildings. She started the historic Christmas House Tour in 1981 and is the founder of the Bath Historic District. She was chairperson of the Bath Historical Architecture Review Board, a member of the Bath Planning Commission, and president of the Governor Wolf Historical Society.
Bath & It's Neighbors